Mediumship on Facebook
Mediumship on Facebook

Mediumship on Facebook

Over the last year circumstances dictated that I had no choice but, to stop any form of public appearances. I started to explore working via Facebook Live, and I have been so overwhelmed by the wonderful reception my work has received.

Alongside the work there has been a real sense of community developing with people supporting each other and making new friends during these crazy and challenging times.

I went from working on my mobile phone to acquiring some great software for the PC. During my mediumship nights this allows me, alongside Spirit with their intelligence, to help me find that one person for a magical reunion.

I also started doing Tarot evenings where viewers get an insight into their ‘here and now’ by choosing two numbers from the major and minor arcana decks. In each tarot pack there is a major arcana which I call the statement cards, such as ‘The Lovers’ and the ‘The High Priestess’. There are 22 cards in this pack.

The minor arcana is made up of 56 cards, which are 4 suits like normal playing cards, but these are cups, wands, pentacles and swords. I start off with a two-card reading, but more often than not, this can lead into a much deeper soul reading.

Once a week I have been hosting a Q&A night, where viewers can ask me anything and everything about all things spiritual and my life. Of course, my views and opinions will only ever be based on my personal truths and experiences.

Weekday mornings, I share a gentle guided meditation to help quieten the mind, relax the body and find a place of calm. All levels are welcome; these meditations are suitable for everyone. We never know where each journey will take us, and we end every session with a reading from an oracle card, to share a thought for the day.

As I am now going to be back out working again with the live shows, I will have to reduce my evenings online to Saturday nights only, for the time being (7.30pm BST), but I will continue to do five mornings a week (9.00am BST) with the guided meditations. There will of course be the odd week where I will be able to be more present online, and I will announce this via social media.

My Facebook Lives are all completely free, why not come along and be part of our community?

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