Becs Spiritual Medium


Here you can read Testimonials from some of Becs’s clients who have had Readings or attended her live events or workshops.

I first met Becs 12th May 2019 at a show at Mac’s Bar. I remember the date as it was six days after I lost my son. That night Becs had the pleasure of meeting my son and reuniting us.

The compassionate and gentle approach Becs gave me with validation after validation was outstanding. I have been to many shows since and been equally blown away by this lady’s abilities and witnessed many remarkable reunions where immense healing has been given to the recipients.

Online Becs has selflessly given her time free of charge since the very first lockdown. This Lady has created a fantastic community of supportive friends for life. Her mediumship online is just as intense and incredible. I have been able to study tarot and find my biggest passion with meditation thanks to Becs. I have also been to a couple of workshops that I recommend very highly.

My thanks and love for Becs I could never express enough. Thanks to her she has equipped me with the tools, teachings and understanding to continue my relationship with my son through meditation and beyond. This has been priceless and very precious – just like Becs herself.

Forever thankful to you dear Lady.

I am a better person because of you.

Sarah Jane, Essex

I first had the pleasure of meeting Becs a few years ago now during a spiritual weekend. I’ve seen many mediums in my years but never one quite like Becs.

During the weekend I was fortunate enough to receive a reunion with my late grandmother. Becs’s honesty and ability to completely get to know your loved ones is truly an inolspiration, she really gets to know their personality. What she won’t give you is an old lady who likes her tea in a china cup and has her hair permed!

What I enjoyed about the reunion was there was no rush at all, and great care is taken to ensure the right message is relayed and then the healing can begin. Since my first encounter with this lovely lady I’ve also been lucky enough to attend workshops both online and in person pre-lockdown for mediumship development, tarot and meditation.

You can’t fault Becs on her natural ability to make you feel at ease and safe. The environment that she encourages is that of total non-judgemental or egotistical, you are free to be as open and honest as you wish and not put under any pressure (except when she pushes you slightly to achieve your goals).

I have found every part of learning with Becs a beautiful fun experience.  She is an open, honest and a non-fluffy medium who is passionate about all aspects of life – not just her mediumship.

On a personal level I have had nothing but praise and encouragement from her with my own goals and she has done wonders for my confidence. I witness her day in day out giving to others and never once expecting anything in return.

Mandy Connor, Norfolk

Like a lot of people, last year was an awful year for me. Between my husband and I we lost nine people including my lovely sister. I was kept busy doing paperwork, organizing things and looking after everyone else. This year I decided I needed some help with my grieving and guidance to where I needed to go in my life so I booked a personal Re-Creation reading with Becs.

It was life-changing! I made sure I was home alone so I had no distractions. Becs made me feel comfortable and supported me through the whole process. The hour just flew by. The session helped me to let go of negative thoughts, address issues in the present and think forward to the future. Afterwards I felt relieved and relaxed and Becs was there to support me. It’s hard to take everything in at the time so I’m looking forward to my catch up call so I can clarify a few things.

Thank you Becs for everything you do, you are one in a million.

Teresa Edmonds, Norfolk

I cannot recommend Becs highly enough. I found myself to be in a strange and confusing time in my life, hoping to gain some direction and clarity. Although a little nervous, I booked a consultation with Becs and knew instantly on the call that I had made the right decision.

She is such a warm, genuine and incredibly special lady. I instantly felt at ease with her. The call covered everything I expected and much more. I felt so calm and more at peace than I have in months. I am so grateful that she was able to share her amazing gift with me and greatly look forward to meeting again in the future.

Amy Sutcliffe, Yorkshire

I was recommended to watch Becs by my best friend when I was at my lowest time of my life. I had always done meditation so thought I would watch Becs on her morning sessions and from that point I have never gone anywhere else. My experience has been nothing but amazing, Becs has helped me see and feel things which I’ve never had before; my mind was finally open.

I have waited 18 years to feel any connection to my dad and when I finally did, I cried and felt him holding me just like he did on this earth. Since then my spiritual journey has started and my meditations have excelled into another dimension. Becs has saved my life; she has made such a beautiful community and when I lost a very close friend in January, he connected with Becs which has brought me so much comfort. I will be forever grateful and he has spent many nights visiting me and comforting me just like my dad. I have since realised I could also open myself up to mediumship if I wanted too, but I enjoy watching Becs.

Natalie North, Essex

I started to follow Becs in the late fall of 2020. I had watched other mediums for a while before then, but when I first saw her I was blown away by not just the spot on accuracy of her readings, the way she knew the most detailed information that a past loved one would give as a message of healing but the kind, pure genuine heart that she put into every reading.

She never rushed a message from spirit, always making sure that the person receiving the message was emotionally safe. Going as far as connecting with them after to ensure that they were okay. I know she did these follow ups as I am one of them and continues to stay in touch with me with any questions I may have.

Becs has a great team behind her to keep the flow of everything that goes into booking her appointments, so she is always on top of her game and she can focus on her clients 100%.

Everything is done with love, kindness and grace. You will never find another women with a gift like hers.

Reyna Illerbrun, Canada

I found Becs about four years ago. After having seen numerous different mediums over the years, I knew she was 100% genuine. The first live show I went to I was lucky enough to get a connection. Amazing is all I can say. I had an online Re-Creation reading with Becs at the end of December. I can honestly say that after feeling lost for so long, I came away from that reading understanding why and how to heal. I cannot recommend them enough.

Julie Foo, Romford

I was totally unsure as to what to expect from this reading, but I’m so glad I took part. I found it to be, in equal parts, reaffirming, empowering, entertaining, and insightful.

Becs’s energy and company was – as ever – infectious, comforting and skilfully honed. She identified aspects of my person and troubles with (almost disturbingly!) razor-sharp accuracy – such that I spent a lot of time in nervous laughter!

explained that these readings are meant to be a conversation with the physical self and the Higher Self, with Becs as the conduit, and she achieved this beautifully with me. It’s an ideal reading for those who seek affirmation that they are on the right path in life, or maybe just need a little bit of help to blow out some of the fog in their way. Cannot recommend highly enough.

Maddison Pilcher, London

Ì had a Re-Creation reading with Becs on Monday 1st February. I was told that these readings are different… soul to soul. I had never had a Re-Creation reading before so I was excited to see how these readings worked.

I could not believe what was being said to me. Every word was spot on. Becs blew me away. I had the best experience and Becs gave me what I needed and the reading was extremely powerful.

I cannot thank Becs enough for what she has done for me through the power of the reading and I am hopeful that I will be able to have another later on in the year. Becs is the most beautiful lady I have ever met. Her work is off the chart and I would highly recommend her every time.

Helen Copsey, Essex

I first met Becs in 2019 at her show in Glemsford and found her absolutely dynamic, as well as intriguing and hilarious and her reunions with spirit were amazing and accurate. I have come to know her as one of the most kindest and genuine people I have ever had the privilege to meet, not to mention exceptionally gifted.

Julie M Atkinson, Suffolk

Becs is a truly a gifted individual, she is exceptionally intuitive and so accurate when working with people. Whether that be during a reading or working with cards, healing or providing meditation and guidance. Working with her built gratitude, trust, self – confidence and fresh energy is far better than going to a fitness centre (if they were open) and oh, I almost forgot, helped me see what I wanted to do next.

Susan, Essex

I have been following Becs for a few years and I have been lucky enough to go to some of her live shows and experience the wonderful connections she has with spirit and her audience.  

I started doing morning meditations with Becs in March 2019 – the start of lockdown. I can honestly say it has been life changing for me, through gentle guided meditations I have learnt how to release feelings that no longer serve me and how to quiet my mind. It’s such a lovely start to my day.

I joined Becs’s Tarot’s tutorials on Sunday’s, I was a total beginner to Tarot. We had so much fun and laughter and it brought lots of people all working together. I have watched Becs lots of times doing her Tarot online evening shows and the readings have always been so touching and real. One night I logged on half way through and I had only just put my numbers up and Becs started to do a reading for me, I just believed it was meant to be. The reading was amazing and so true to how I was feeling, my family and what I needed going forward. I have watched it quite a few times and shown family members who also said it was spot on.

The mediumship online evenings, bringing everyone together, well what can I say: totally amazing! I am also interested about mediumship and how we connect to spirit and loved ones. I have learnt so much watching Becs. The time and effort that goes into these connections and how she delivers them to people is totally inspiring. It’s lovely how ‘Our Tribe’ also comment on the nights and support each other. Everyone is always made to feel so welcome and it really feels like with are all connected.

The new Re-Creation readings that Becs has started to do, involves mediumship and healing. I was lucky enough to have one of these recently. The session was about healing, how my life has been so far and the help I need going forward for future potentials. I was very nervous as I didn’t know what to expect, but I didn’t need to be as Becs really made me feel as ease. The reading gave me so much purpose on what I want and also what I need to do, to fulfil all my hopes and wishes in the future.

I just wanted to thank you for all the help, support and guidance that you have given to me and everyone who has been a part of any of your teachings. It has been something that I will never forget and I will take all that I have learnt going forward into my future.

Vicky Appleton, Essex

Becs reignited my interest in tarot with her free online lessons, so much so that I went to her tarot weekend in December. We all had a great time and she gave me the confidence to think that one day I can be a professional tarot reader.

I had an online Re-Creation reading in January – the readings are about Becs’s spirit blending with the client’s spirit, helping us to heal. Mostly the readings are about healing the past, but Becs said I have dealt with that so we discussed future possibilities. She gave me loads of information and this really made me enthusiastic.

My husband, who is in spirit, came through too and every single piece of evidence Becs gave me was spot on, and I counted 14 separate sets of evidence. She then did a full tarot reading for me as she felt that was needed, it was great.

The thing about these Re-Creation readings is that each one is individual for each client and she uses her vast array of skills, in mediumship, spiritually, using the tarot etc. to give you the reading that is just exactly right for you at that time. I am so happy to have met Becs online and loved meeting her and want to support her in whatever she does.

Karen Pettipiece, Devon

I had been feeling lost in myself, as to where I was going and how to get out of the Groundhog Day that wasn’t just lockdown related. Going through the motions month after month with no direction or real feeling of purpose. I had been to several different mediumship nights, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but didn’t personally have anyone come through to speak to me.

When I saw that Becs was doing one to one consultations I was fortunate enough to book a space, and I’m so glad that I did! I honestly had no idea just how much I had needed it.

As Becs states, it wasn’t about mediumship (for me) at all, although for some people it is. It was about what I needed, to help me heal and move onwards in my journey.

She helped me to understand the hurt I had been carrying, lots of which I didn’t even realise, and that I needed to leave the past where it is, just taking forward with me the gift of understanding it gave me. She did my tarot, which blew my mind, it answered the most burning question I had.

There was no doubt in my mind about Becs’s abilities before the consultation, but if there had been, she would have cleared them up very quickly. Even to the point of having a song in her mind (from my favourite film) that could not have been more on point when discussing where I was in my life many years ago.

In the days after, I completely cleared out and cleaned our house from top to bottom (something I have been unable to face for a very long time) and I enjoyed doing it. My whole family have noticed a difference in my energy levels and my confidence. I have a belief in myself that I can do what I have always wanted to.

I could never of imagined what a difference an hour on the phone could make.

Thank You Becs. With all my Heart

Jo Cairns, Westcliff On Sea

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