Natalie North, Essex
Natalie North, Essex

Natalie North, Essex

I was recommended to watch Becs by my best friend when I was at my lowest time of my life. I had always done meditation so thought I would watch Becs on her morning sessions and from that point I have never gone anywhere else. My experience has been nothing but amazing, Becs has helped me see and feel things which I’ve never had before; my mind was finally open.

I have waited 18 years to feel any connection to my dad and when I finally did, I cried and felt him holding me just like he did on this earth. Since then my spiritual journey has started and my meditations have excelled into another dimension. Becs has saved my life; she has made such a beautiful community and when I lost a very close friend in January, he connected with Becs which has brought me so much comfort. I will be forever grateful and he has spent many nights visiting me and comforting me just like my dad. I have since realised I could also open myself up to mediumship if I wanted too, but I enjoy watching Becs.

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